Good morning everyone, today’s post is on Noiranca bags. I have a thing for unique looking bags so it was no surprise that I accepted to collaborate with the brand. Not only do they do unique bags but the brand uses PETA-Approved Vegan Leather, I mean what’s not love right!

Before I get started on how I styled the bags let me give you some background information on the brand. Noiranca is one of those bag brands that stands for uniqueness, sustainability and empowerment. They draw their inspirations from iconic women. These bags are a timeless staple and stand the test of time! The vision of the brand is to blend artisanal craftsmanship and sustainability into one. Each bag is made from responsibly sourced PETA-Approved vegan leather with fifty eight percent recycled elements, masterfully handcrafted in a family atelier.


Right let’s get started on the bags and first up is Lisa, this gorgeous black bag is iconic in my opinion! The cut-outs give the bag the uniqueness for sure. If you are looking for a bag that makes a statement well Lisa is that bag! There are three ways to style the bag you can wear it crossbody, on your shoulders or by the top handle like I have done here. Lisa comes in a quilted finish, with double top handles, magnetic-stud fastening and an adjustable shoulder strap. Oh did I mention that Lisa also comes in white too!

So when it came to styling Lisa I opted for my high waisted black wide leg trousers. I then put on my leopard print turtleneck top, I love how these two pieces work together. The silhouette works beautifully with the bag. As for my shoes I am wearing my black mules and to complete my look I went for these black square framed sunglasses.


Moving onto Althea, now I know I said Lisa was a statement bag well, Althea is even more statement worthy and Iconic! This Olive coloured handcrafted bag come in extra smooth PETA-Approved Vegan leather. You can style Althea in three different ways also, crossbody, on the shoulder and top handle. The bag comes in a triangular structure which can make any outfit stand out for sure. This also come in white too, which I really wanted, however they did not have it in stock.

When it came to styling Althea, I went for an all white outfit so that the attention was on Althea I mean not that it needs it! I first opted for my high waisted wide leg white linen pants/trousers with the matching blazer. I then wore my bikini top underneath the blazer. Finishing off the outfit with my white mules and cream sunglasses.

Sue Meredith

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